Friday 16 March 2018


The Girl On The Train- Film

Type- Fictional- This script is clearly a fictional script as it presents the characters and story line intended to be played by actors.
The style of the script is a multi-stranded script as it is a screen play and is done as it feature more than one main character

Language- Mode of Address

The script girl on the train is clearly targeted at an older audience and is also clearly a fictional type script as the script features character, which are intended to be played by actors. The script is also a linear narrative structure as it is fictional.Through out the script the mode of address is very informal, written in a peer to peer mode of address.
TOM(outgoing message) 
'Hey, it’s Tom. Sorry I missed you. I’ll get right back to ya!'
This part of the script clear conveys the casual conversation and peer to peer mode of address. From the informal greeting 'Hey' it was clear it was as if she was speaking to a friend.

'He posted another picture of the 
baby. It was a cute picture'. 
'Yeah? Facebook and drunk ex-wives 
do not make good friends'.
This is another example of the casual, informal and peer to peer mode of address. The topic of conversation in this part of the script makes it very obvious she is talk to someone such as a friend. The way the characters communicate to each other and respond is very peer to peer.
The script is quite informal from the beginning due to the character immediately talking and communicating with the audience as she would a friend.
From the begging and other parts down the script it is narrative she describes and communicates with the audience. This also allowed the audience to immediately understand the genre and drama style of the film, which contributes in an overall mood.


Language - Mode of Address
Type- Fictional - Again, this is a fictional script as it there is clearly dialogue and editing planned and to be played by actors.

Style- Again, as this is a fictional drama show the style of the show is multi stranded due to it having and featuring many different characters as part of the show.
The television drama being a based on the lives of patients and doctors is clearly a much more formal mode of address due to the serious environment making the mode of address teacher to pupil. Again, the script is a fictional styled script as it is planned and presented very detailed e.g. what the characters should be doing when and where. This is clearly a fictional script due to a non fictional script being real and not including fictional character to be played, while also being a linear narrative structure.Elaborate coding is used through out the show as the audience are usually not experienced/educated in this field. 
'This is Martin Greenwood, 17, found tied to goalpost, known EP,post ictal at scene, a lot of oedema round his neck, hypoxic. Sats 91 on air, now 98 on 100% O2.
'Let’s get this gentleman’s airway protected. Can someone sort the drugs out please'. 
Here is an example of elaborate coding from the script. It presents the conversation of the characters discussing a patient. This is featured on the show even though the audience are not familiar with it. It is also an example of the teacher to pupil  mode of address as it is educating the audience.
This is much opposite to 'The Girl On The Train' as it is peer to peer through out as she also communicates with the audience, which means elaborated coding is also not included as everything is understandable to its target audience.
Although, 'Casualty' is a drama its only purpose is not just to entertain but however to also educate and inform audiences on the hospital environment/ medical field.

From looking at the script ‘The Girl On The Train’ it is clear the target audience is of the C2DE category as the mode of address is peer to peer and quite informal similar to the way people in this category would communicate to their friends. It is also relatable/ targeted at people form ages 18 to late 20's/ early 30's. Also, the script is presented as if it was targeted more/specifically women as the film has a clear portrayal of emotions and love something the female audience specifically can relate to. This is stereotypical of what the female audience is told to enjoy.
While 'Casualty' is targeted at both genders through its varied cast members. However, I feel it is more targeted at women as it is a drama keeping up with people's lives and consists of drama targeted at women. The opposite of 'The Girl On The Train', 'Casualty' has a target audience of people form the ABC1 category as the formal language used in the show is more relatable, while it would be less relatable for people in the C2DE category. The show is also targeted at people from ages 25 - 40 year olds. I feel I is suited got this age group due to them being able to be from and ABC1 background while it would be unlikely for an 18 year old to be in an ABC1 category and much spending power. Also, many people of this age group have completed some sort of education.

The radio script is very different from the film script as the mode of address is peer to peer but not so similar to the television script asthat is much more formal and a teacher to pupil mode of address.The script is also a non fictional script as most of the script is sort of 'improvised' by the presenter. Also, the script is much shorter than the actual radio show which presents how improvised it is.  The conversation between the presenters was informal as well as the casual talk when engaging / directing towards their audience.

The script is targeted towards people from the C2DE category, due to the mode of address used being peer to peer it is relatable towards people from this age group.

The words and vocabulary used are quite casual which is why it is targeted at a younger, less formal audience.

Type -This script is a non fictional script as it a script from a live radio show also including real facts such as weather and news
Style- The style of the script is in a running order narrative structure as the script is of a radio show featuring stories/new, which includes information such as who what and where.

Game Script

The flowchart for the game does not include a synopsis. This is because it I a simple and less complicated game that does not necessarily need a synopsis to be presented to the users

Format and Layout

Type- This is a non fictional script of a video game as it features fictional 'problems' to entertain and challenge the users.
Style - The script is in a linear narrative structure as it is presented in a specific order shown in the flowchart. This is a very common narrative structure amongst video games.

The format and layout of the scripts were quite traditional ,although casualty had not used the courier font which is used most of the time when writing a script, the format layout and style was very similar. The names of the characters were presented in the middle on top of the dialogue. However, the radio script is quite different to a television or film script. This is due to it being improvised as it is not scripted. Also, the reason for scripts in radio are for the presenters, producers etc. to be able to understand the topics they should be following and covering they are not expected to follow exact script.
Also, scripts with visuals In them had location information such as INT/EXT with the exact location this is for people such as actors, directors, etc. To know where and when to be a location. This information is always found on the left making it easier and separating it form the dialogue. While the editing and camera work is found on the rights side.
 Although radio doesn’t have any visuals it includes the presenters names at the top.

The computer game script has a flowchart layout due to computer games include more than one option and a flowchart presents the type of options.

Three act Script
What is a three act script?

Todrov's theory of the three act script was that it starts off as everything being normal sort of a utopia while allowing the audience to become familiar with an introduction as the script continues an disequilibrium happens, where a dilemma is presented, this is to allow the audience to become more interested, engaged and excited. Todorov's theory  then includes a resolution to this after their is a recognition of the Disequilibrium.
Using the three act script arguably creates a much more interesting and entertaining script. It is a specific structure to tell a story in the most entertaining way.

  • Equilibrium
  •  Disequilibrium
  • Recognition of Disequilibrium 
  • Resolution

New Equilbrium 

What types of products use a three act script?

A three act script is a  can be found in  plays, poetry, novels, comic books, short stories, video games, and the movies. This is because the structure of the three act scripts suits and fits all of them while entertaining viewers.

Why doesn’t the narrative have to be resolved – Give three reasons

·The narrative does not have to be resolved because it may be carried on as a sequel
  • Also, it may not be positive and instead not confront the problem e.g. Titanic, where the problem is not resolved.
· The three act script also does not need to followed as their could be a plot twist to make it more exiting and something different for the audience.

How is a three act script structured/ layout different and similar compared to a TV/ RADIO/ COMPUTER GAME script?

The three act script is different to 'The Girl On The Train' Script as the tree act script starts off in an equilibrium while 'The Girl On The Train' Script immediately starts off in a disequilibrium. Also, Caualty being a television show it carries on each episode so the three act script does really fit with the show. However, they do tend to have a disequilibrium that becomes resolved through the show but not int the specific three act script format. Radio shows and computer game scripts usually just follow a single stranded format.

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LO2: Codes and Conventions

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