Monday 4 June 2018

LO2: Codes and Conventions

Using your planning ideas and draft of your script, you need to EXPLAIN the conventions you have used/ going to use in the FORMATTING and LAYOUT of your script for RADIO – Use the research from LO1 analysis of scripts and BBC Radio Sheffield script to help you. 

RADIO TALK SHOW: Where are the following positioned in your script/ why are they important based on knowledge of scripts/ target audience/ radio talk shows: 

1. Slugline 
2. Margins and breaks 
3. Presenter names 
4. Timings 
5. Dialogue 
6. Music 
7. Sound effects 
8. Jingles 
9. Interviews/ features 
10. News 
11. Adverts 


The slugline is positioned at the top of the entire script to give key information to the production team. Our script includes presenters names,location, name of the production and that the script is a radio script. This is important due to it being the first thing you see on the script and first thing you need everyone needs to know. Looking at BBC Radio Sheffield's script it also straight away presents the location, title and presenters. 

Margins and Breaks

In order for our script to be separated we have included margins and breaks to clearly separate our Dialogue/FX and Music Introduction with our presenters/ who's taking. Clear layout of the script is to benefit and make the task easier for the presenters and production team.

Presenter Names

The presenters names are positioned on the left side of the script under the heading 'presenters names' this is to allow the presenter and production team to clearly understand who is talking. This is the same as the BBC Radio Sheffield script, where it is easy to identify who's talking and also positioned on the left.


Timing a script is very important as it gives us a rough idea on how long it may be.We have positioned the timing under the presenters name. This is because it is in a clear and obvious position giving the presenters a rough idea to know if they are over/under running. BBC Radio Sheffield Live! 

Interviews and Features

In our script we have featured call ins for confessions. This is because our target audience would enjoy listening to others secrets/confessions and it is also gives us different/ varied content to present to our listeners. Confessions /Call Ins are featured towards the end as this 


The music which is featured on our radio script is presented several times in our script after our Jingle. The song we have chosen to feature fist was Drake's God Plan song. This is because it is trending at the moment and very suited to our 16-24,C2DE target audience.Including a songs in the script is important as it keeps and draws more listeners in without boring them through just constant talking. It keeps the listeners intrigued. 

Sound Effects

Sound effects is positioned on the right side of our script under Dialogue/FX and Music Introduction. This allows the production team specifically the sound editors to be able to clearly understand and locate where the sound effect in the script need to be. We have also included this in red writing in order for it to be easily distinguished from the dialogue, which is much easier.


The dialogue is featured on the right side of the script below the headings Dialogue/FX and music introduction. This allows the production/ pre production team to easily identify where everything is located and what to do. Looking at BBC Sheffield Live! and other scripts it clearly presents the dialogue always on the right side.


We have included a news segment as part of our dialogue, this is featured at the very beginning of our radio show as it allows our audience to be updated with things such as weather, road works and general local news. This news is specifically targeted at our target audience through the news being based on the demographic of our audience. 
The news segment is also the longest part of dialogue without interruptions. Looking at other scripts and Sheffield Live! Script it is also the longest piece of dialogue. 


Again, we have featured jingles under the Dialogue/FX and Music Introduction heading as this is easy and clearly positioned. It is written in red as this is quite easy to locate. We have created jingles to feature continuously through out our script. Looking at other existing script a Jingles are featured multiple times on their radio show. This is to sort of 'create a brand' for our listeners and for them to be quite familiar with the radio show.


The advertisements on the radio scripts are positioned in-between the radio show as we feature 3 different advertisements targeted, related and appealing towards our target audience. Also, the advertisement is featured in the same position as the res of the dialogue.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

LO3: Production of the Script

style of script

The style of our ONE 20 script is a magazine show which includes/ features magazine show conventions such as trending topics on celebrities, news and also playing trending music such as chart hits and communication with listeners through 'call ins' and competitions. We have used traditional style of scripts, similar to existing radio script as well as including features to relate and entertain our target audience/ listeners.



Presenting our radio show is Me and Evie. As our script is targeted more towards a female audience, including female presenters would make it much more 'relatable' and suited for its audience. Our presenters will have Yorkshire dialect and casual informal talk/ elaborate coding. Also, our mode of address is peer to peer snd how our listeners would speak towards their friends. This makes the show even more relatable for my target audience. Again, this will make it relatable especially towards our South Yorkshire listeners the listeners form different regions may not understand.

Evie informs our listeners on the local news around Sheffield as the will be useful and informative news for our listeners . We have featured this in our promo for 0.35 seconds as this takes up quite a lot of time for our radio show as it is an important feature. We featured this at the beginning of our script.

Our radio show also includes competitions related and targeted to our audience such as winning ticket. Also, competiotions for over 18s is featured in the show. This will attract more listeners from the ages of 16- 24. We have also feature confession call ins, allowing listeners to ring in with problems, secrets etc. This is the sort of entertainment which is target our audience as it consists of humour and interesting content.This is also followed by a chance to win tramline tickets making more people wanting to call in and share their confessions. Also, song request as most of our songs played are suggestions from our listeners making the radio show even more connected with the audience. This is easily done as our target audience are owners of smartphones/tech. We have made our competitions much more relatable for our target audience as we have featured question from on Sheffield native bands and also giving away £100 worth of vouchers at a Sheffield bar. This is specifically targeted at our listeners age, hobbies and also demographic.

Celebrity gossip is another convention that makes up our radio show and is a very large segment in the radio show. We have featured this as our target audience/ listeners find this interesting and entertaining. The sort of celeb gossip and news we feature are usually related to musicians as our show is based and plays music. A celeb news we featured was the death of Avicii which was then followed with a song of his relating topics with the music presented. Also, celeb gossip with mainstream and trending celebs such as Khloe Kardashian and Cardi B, who are also very well known.

Throughout the show our narrative for our radio show includes music, which is suited for our listeners and related to our jingle as we present the biggest hits and also suggested by them, celeb gossip, competitions and also confessions. We have overall suited the radio for our target audience and to entertain them. 

When creating this script we all created parts as a team effort. Hannah wrote the advertisements, Evie wrote the news articles, while Shauna wrote the chatty dialogue. All 3 jingles were wrote by all of us.

Equipment I will be using to create a radio show are equipment such as;

  • Microphone- We will need microphones to record any audio, sound for our radio, interviews, advertisements etc.
  • Apple MAC- This is where all our software for recording and editing will be.

  • Mixing Disk- We intend to use a mixing disk to create our jingles and ass sound effects during the radio show.

  • Pop Filter- This is to be attached to the microphone to ensure the recording and speaking to the microphone is clear.

  • Headphones- This is used for producers and presenters to hear what is and what was recorded.

  • Speakers-  Speakers are used so producers are able to listen to what has just been produced such as sound effects and audio recorded.


  • Adobe Audition- This is the software that I plan to use when we finish recording for editing and adding sound to create our final radio show.

  • Adobe Premiere- This is to edit video and sound. This may be used to edit any interviews that may be video recorded and added onto our radio.

  • Garage- This is to record and save our radio/ audio onto , while we are speaking/ recording in the recording studio.

Music/Sound Used: 


Radio Tuning

Dj Scratching


Cell phone

Crowd shouting

Music/ Sound used for advertisements

Furniture ad

Showroom Cinema


LO2: Production Plan

Lo2: Script Draft

Monday 7 May 2018

LO3:Evaluation of the script


Our script has successfully met the requirements of the brief through producing a 5- 10 minute script for a new local community radio show for Sheffield Live! It was successful through also ensuring it included;

Presenters/ voice actors
News bulletin
Feature/ interview/ narrative 
Jingle/ theme music 
Bedding music/ sound/ effects
Original advert
Competition/ social media links

Some strengths our client gave back to us on our script was how the presenters turn taking was not too long or too short as having long dialogue without a different presenter/ break being in between would bore and put listeners off the show. Also, our dialogue was said by the client to be very casual, friendly and suited to the target audience, which was a strength because it made the show more relatable for our audience.

Client feedback on improvement to our script included improvements such as making it more realistic with its funding through giveaways being smaller and cheaper as the company will not be able to afford a large giveaway. Also, our script did not straight away introduce the presenters as it should, which is why this was an improvement form our client feedback. This is to ensure our listeners are familiar and know who is who.

To change the script giveaway into something capable for the radio company to afford we changed it from a money giveaway to vouchers at a local Sheffield diner. Also, we included our names at the beginning to introduce us to ensure our listeners are not confused.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

LO1: The Brief

You have been asked by local community radio station, Sheffield Live!  to create a new and original radio show or drama.
You will create the first 5-10 minutes of the new radio show/ drama and include:
  1. Presenters/ voice actors 
  2. News bulletin
  3. Feature/ interview/ narrative 
  4. Jingle/ theme music 
  5. Bedding music/ sound/ effects
  6. Original advert
  7. Competition/ social media links

Monday 26 March 2018

LO2: Treatment and Audience profile


You have been asked by local community radio station, Sheffield Live!  to create a new and original radio show or drama.
You will create the first 5-10 minutes of the new radio show/ drama and include:

Presenters/ voice actors
News bulletin
Feature/ interview/ narrative 
Jingle/ theme music 
Bedding music/ sound/ effects
Original advert
Competition/ social media links

Style and Content

Our radio station will be a magazine show including common content a magazine show.


Presenting our radio show will be Me, Shauna and Evie. Including a male voice/ presenter will allow us have a wider/ varied listeners tuning in. For our male presenter we will have Joey this will also portrays the gender variation we aimed to have. Our presenters will have Yorkshire dialect and casual informal talk/ elaborate coding this will make it relatable especially towards. our South Yorkshire listeners the listeners form different regions may not understand.

Potential Names

  • SHF
  • One20 FM
  • Forge FM
  • Kelham FM

We have chosen to name our radio show One20 FM. This is related to the bus 120 which is the bus number which travels through Sheffields main parts.This allows our radio show to be clearly targeted at out Sheffield audience.

Song Choices

  • Akon- dont matter
  • Destinys child- Say my name
  • Sean Kingston- Beautiful girls
  • Britney Spears- Toxic
  • Outkast- Ms Jackson
  • Coolio- Gangstas paradise
  • NeYo- Miss Independant
  • Drake- Gods plan
  • Bruno Mars- Finesse
  • Kendrick & SZA- All the stars
  • Portugal the man- Feel it still
  • MK- 17

Final Song Choices

  • Sean Kingston- Beautiful girls
  • Outkast- Ms Jackson
  • Drake- Gods plan
  • Bruno Mars- Finesse
  • Portugal the man- Feel it still

These are the songs we have chosen due to them still including trending music and throwback/ old school songs.


Our radio show will inclue competiotins related and targeted to our audience such as winning ticket. Also, competiotions for over 18s will be featured in the show such as nights out, drinks etc. This will attract more listeners from the ages of 16- 24. We will also feature confession call ins, allowing listeners to ring in with problems, secrets etc. Another featyure will be song request as most of our songs played are suggetions from our listeners making the radio show even more connected with the audience. This is easily done as our target audience are owners of smartphones/tech.


The advertisements featured on our radio show will be targeted specifically at our audience such as car insurance this is because our target audience includes alot of new young drivers and an advertisement on car insurance is something they will need or ar looking for. University open days will also be an advertisement featured as our target audience are in the ages of starting university or in university. This will be featured as a sponsership.Clothes/ online shopping websites is also great advertisment for our show as theyre will be more female listeners than males at 75% of female listeners. Our target spends alot of time and money on shopping other web pages such as BooHoo, Nastygal etc will be featured. Our target audience spends alot of money on food due to food/ restaurantsbeing part of their social life, Work, School, Dates etc. Online food delivery pages such as just eat will atract my target audience and also restaurant. Deals on food and clothes will also gain more listeners.

Running Order

"Start your night right"

Running order: 7PM-10PM

19:00- Station jingle
19:00- News and weather
19:01- Introduction of presenters and theme
19:02- Song (Gods plan)
19:03- Competition information
19:03- Phone in request
19:04- Song (Feel it still)
19:05- Advertisements break
19:07- Station jingle 
19:07- Song (Beautiful Girls)

Our theme for the radio show is confessions and best one wins a night out.


Our radio programme will be a magazine talkshow radio show scheduled to air at 7pm until 10pm. The talkshow will fit the time scheduled to air as its narrative will be. Such as presenters saying things such as have a 'good night' or night weather forecast and news. Also, the talkshow being schedule at eveneing time alows us to talk about thing which may be rude/innapropriate/ explicit for a brakfast radio show.

Audience Record Ideas


LO2: Codes and Conventions

Using your planning ideas and draft of your script, you need to EXPLAIN the conventions you have used/ going to use in the FORMATTING and L...